Frontline Lawyers makes personalized criminal defense of its clients its top priority.
At Frontline Lawyers, you can always count on an objective and critical view of your case and a personalized defense in court. Regardless of the facts for which you have been subpoenaed, we always ensure that your fundamental rights are respected and we act proactively to protect your interests.
This independent and critical attitude naturally also implies that, if necessary, we hold up a mirror to you. All this always in the interest of achieving the best result in your case. After all, a clear strategy that is also fully supported by the client often guarantees the best result in court.
Frontline Lawyers has the ambition to always provide its services at a fixed and fair price. Every case is different and we always give you a quote tailored to the case at the beginning of the case.
To this end, we take into account the size of the file, the stakes involved, the degree of difficulty and the services to be provided. However, regardless of the size of your case, you may rest assured that Frontline Advocaten will always give your case the highest priority.
At Frontline Lawyers, we believe that everyone should have access to adequate legal assistance. If you do not have the financial resources to pay for a lawyer, you can use second-line legal assistance under certain conditions.
However, in order for the Frontline Lawyers team to work for you free of charge, a decision from the Legal Aid Office is required. To do so, you must provide information about the income of yourself and your family members. Frontline Lawyers will be happy to assist you with this application in this case. [1]
[1] Any treatment of a file in second-level legal assistance is always subject to the express approval of Frontline Lawyers. Frontline Lawyers always reserves the right to refuse treatment of a file in second-line legal assistance.