Immigration Law

I have a question about obtaining Belgian citizenship

Obtaining Belgian nationality has had a turbulent history since the so-called "Snel-Belg law" that has existed since 2000, during which it was subjected to much criticism and was eventually amended several times. Since the 2012 law, the aim has been to make the possibilities of obtaining Belgian nationality migration-neutral.

Current version of the law, with the latest amendments dating from 2018, distinguishes between situations where one proceeds to grant nationality to certain categories of minors and situations where one can proceed to acquire nationality as an adult.

For example, Belgian nationality is granted to minor children under certain conditions:

  • Due to the nationality of father or mother
  • Following adoption
  • By reason of birth or consequence of a deed of acquisition

In addition, Belgian nationality can also be acquired by adults in a whole number of situations as stipulated in Article 12bis WBN:

  • The foreigner who has reached the age of 18, was born in Belgium and has since then had his legal residence in the kingdom
  • The foreigner who has reached the age of 18 years, has legal residence in the country for 5 years and provides proof of knowledge of one of the national languages, social integration and economic participation.
  • The foreigner who has reached the age of 18, has legal residence in the kingdom for 5 years, provides proof of knowledge of one of the national languages, is married to a Belgian under certain conditions and proves his social integration
  • The alien who has reached the age of 18 years, has had his legal residence in the kingdom for 5 years and provides proof of disability or disablement
  • The alien who has reached the age of 18 years, has had legal residence in the kingdom for 10 years and provides proof of knowledge of one of the national languages and participation in the life of the receiving community

Thus, while the current law has the ambition of rationalizing the acquisition of Belgian nationality on the basis of measurable parameters as explained above, it will also be verified that there are no important reasons specific to the person that do not allow the acquisition of Belgian nationality.

Experience shows that the prosecution enforces all these ground conditions particularly strictly and will very quickly issue a negative opinion when it is sometimes inconsistent with case law.

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in the office, holding some documents that have to be filled in

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[1] Any treatment of a file in second-level legal assistance is always subject to the express approval of Frontline Lawyers. Frontline Lawyers always reserves the right to refuse treatment of a file in second-line legal assistance.